Transgender men, or trans men for short, are people that are assigned female at birth (although not always, as there are intersex people who may also identify as trans men ), who identify with maleness and masculinity. This can be a spectrum, from the more gender binary version of a man, to demi-boys and other examples. Unlike trans women who face hyper-visibility, trans men are often ignored and erased by media and society at large. When they do get attention, it is just as demonizing as with trans women, with conservatives fear-mongering over fertility and the like.
Many trans men have dysphoria of some sort, although not all do. They may choose to transition medically, although not all do. Some forms of dysphoria usually center on the lack of male characteristics, such as a low voice or facial hair. Dysphoria will usually come about in the form of pain over a large chest, a high voice, and being short. Some things trans men do to help them feel more comfortable are: binding their chest with binders, wearing a packer, taking testosterone to induce a male puberty, eventually getting top or bottom surgery, and voice training.