Bottom surgery refers to any form of gender confirmation surgery which affects the genitalia and reproductive organs. Bottom surgery may be a part of medical transition.
Common forms of bottom surgery include:
- Penectomy - removal of the penis.
- Orchiectomy - removal of one or both testicles.
- Vaginectomy - removal of the vagina.
- Hysterectomy - removal of the uterus.
- Oophorectomy - removal of one or both ovaries.
- Vaginoplasty - construction of a vagina and vulva. One common method for this is penile inversion, in which tissue from the penis is used to construct the vagina.
- Metoidioplasty - separation of the clitoris (enlarged from HRT) from the labia minora to produce a penis.
- Phalloplasty - construction of a penis from non-genital tissue.
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